Analysis Tools
Simply Wall St: Analysis and Tools
If you are an investor looking for stock market analysis and tools, you might want to check out Simply Wall St. Simply Wall St is a service that provides comprehensive and easy-to-understand analysis of stocks based on their financial performance, valuation, dividends, future growth potential and risk. It also offers interactive charts, infographics, reports and portfolios to help you visualize and track your investments.
What is Simply Wall St?
Simply Wall St is a website and an app that aims to make investing accessible and enjoyable for everyone. It was founded in 2014 by Al Bentley and Nick van den Berg, two former software engineers who wanted to create a better way to research stocks. They developed a unique snowflake model that summarizes the key aspects of a stock in one simple graphic. The snowflake shows how a stock scores on five criteria: value, future, past, health and income. The closer the shape is to a perfect circle, the more balanced the stock is.
Simply Wall St also provides detailed analysis of each criterion, as well as other useful information such as analyst consensus, insider trading, ownership structure, earnings quality and more. You can also compare stocks with their industry peers or the market average to see how they stack up. Simply Wall St covers over 75,000 stocks across 91 markets worldwide, so you can find opportunities in any sector or region.
What are the benefits of using Simply Wall St?
Simply Wall St has many benefits for investors of all levels and styles. Here are some of them:
It helps you discover new stocks that match your criteria and preferences. You can use the powerful stock screener to filter stocks by market, sector, size, style, dividend yield, growth rate, profitability, valuation and more. You can also browse curated lists of stocks based on themes such as undervalued, high growth, high quality, high dividend and more.
It helps you evaluate stocks objectively and holistically. You can see the strengths and weaknesses of a stock at a glance with the snowflake model. You can also dive deeper into the analysis of each criterion and see how they affect the stock’s intrinsic value. You can also see how the stock’s valuation compares to its historical and industry averages, as well as its future cash flow projections.
It helps you monitor your portfolio performance and diversification. You can create multiple portfolios and track their returns, risk-adjusted returns, volatility, dividend income and more. You can also see how your portfolio is diversified by sector, geography, size, style and more. You can also get personalized recommendations on how to improve your portfolio based on your goals and risk tolerance.
It helps you learn more about investing and improve your skills. You can access educational articles and videos that explain various investing concepts and strategies. You can also get insights from experts and other investors who share their opinions and experiences on different stocks and topics.
Simply Wall St is a service that provides stock market analysis and tools for investors who want to make informed and confident decisions. It offers a unique snowflake model that summarizes the key aspects of a stock in one simple graphic, as well as detailed analysis of each aspect and other useful information. It also offers interactive charts, infographics, reports and portfolios to help users visualize and track their investments. It covers over 75,000 stocks across 91 markets worldwide, so users can find opportunities in any sector or region.
Simply Wall St has many benefits for investors of all levels and styles. It helps users discover new stocks that match their criteria and preferences, evaluate stocks objectively and holistically, monitor their portfolio performance and diversification, learn more about investing and improve their skills, and get insights from experts and other investors.
Simply Wall St offers a free plan that allows users to access up to 10 company analyses per month and create one portfolio with up to 10 holdings. Users can also upgrade to a premium plan that costs $9 per month or $89 per year for unlimited access to all features and content.
Simply Wall St has received positive reviews from many customers who have used its service. They have praised its ease of use, clarity of information, quality of research, variety of features and content.
If you are interested in trying out Simply Wall St for yourself, you can sign up for a free account or a 14-day free trial of the premium plan on their website or app.
Questions and Answers
Q: What is the name of the unique graphic model that Simply Wall St uses to summarize the key aspects of a stock?
A: The snowflake model.
Q: What are the five criteria that the snowflake model shows for a stock?
A: Value, future, past, health and income.
Q: How many stocks does Simply Wall St cover across how many markets worldwide?
A: Over 75,000 stocks across 91 markets worldwide.
Q: What are some of the features and tools that Simply Wall St offers to help users visualize and track their investments?
A: Interactive charts, infographics, reports and portfolios.
Q: What are some of the themes that users can browse curated lists of stocks based on?
A: Undervalued, high growth, high quality, high dividend and more.
Q: How much does the premium plan of Simply Wall St cost per month or per year?
A: $9 per month or $89 per year.
Q: How can users access educational articles and videos that explain various investing concepts and strategies on Simply Wall St?
A: By clicking on the Learn tab on the website or app.